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British holidaymakers warned as 'killer seaweed' strikes Brittany beaches

British holidaymakers were last night warned to be on their guard against a thick blanket of slimy 'killer seaweed' suffocating the beaches of northern France.

The alert comes after the carcasses of 31 wild boars were found on one beach on the Brittany coast.

All are thought to have been killed by toxic gas – as dangerous as cyanide – released by the seaweed as it rots.

Beaches around the Morieux river estuary, where the dead boars were found, are popular with tens of thousands of British holidaymakers every summer.

Lifeless: One of the dead boars lies in the bay of Saint-Brieuc today at the mouth of the Gouessant estuary in Brittany, bringing to 31 the number found this month, floating in the water or washed up

Lifeless: One of the dead boars lies in the bay of Saint-Brieuc today at the mouth of the Gouessant estuary in Brittany, bringing to 31 the number found this month, floating in the water or washed up

The warning was issued by Brittany’s Cote d’Armor regional government which said the potentially deadly seaweed was ‘above a health alert level, but below severe danger level’.

Seaweed – which is a form of algae - is normally found on most northern French beaches. However, it releases hydrogen sulphide when it comes into contact with nitrogen waste flowing to the sea from intensive pig farms.

boar removal

Workers for the Office National de la Chasse et des Forits removes one of the boars from the beach which has been closed for safety

Two years ago a council worker on a seaweed clearing team was poisoned by gas and taken to hospital in a coma. A horse-rider also passed out and his horse died in 2009 after inhaling toxic gas.

Brittany marine biologist Alain Menesguen said: “This is a very toxic gas, which smells like rotten eggs. It attacks the respiratory system and can kill a man or an animal in minutes.

'It is likely to be a feature of any area where intensive farming methods are employed.'

Morieux mayor Jean-Pierre Briens said: “We are very worried for the health of visitors to beaches around here.

“How could we be anything other than worried when animals are being found dead?”

Over the past ten years, the French government has refused repeated demands from local councils to control how intensive animal farms dispose of waste.

Instead it has employed teams of workers to simply cart away the weed, which then returns the next year.

Environmentalist Jean-Frangois Piquot predicted two years ago that government’s clearing was not enough and the toxic algae would spread.

He said: There are about five beaches that are unusable in Brittany. The problem is getting worse.

'There is no doubt that farming is to blame. Brittany has 5 per cent of French agricultural land but 60 per cent of the pigs, 45 per cent of the poultry and 30 per cent of the dairy farms.”

'As our rivers are not long, the pollution does not have time to clear before the water reaches the sea. It enters a closed bay and the sunlight produces the seaweed.'

Green day: The killer algae on the beach

Green day: The killer algae on the beach

Andre Olivro, president of a local protest group, added: “The death of the boars should be taken a very serious warning. The next time we are scared, it will be a child.'

Seaweed on British coasts is rarely dangerous. The twice daily tides mean weeds do not have time to dry out and bake –and so do not release toxic gas.

However, when the seaweed decays in winter it releases hydrogen sulphide into the water, killing invertebrates such as worms and shrimp.

The growth of the algae in summer also kills species as it uses up the oxygen in the water, removing food for other wildlife such as fish, while the thick layer of seaweed stops birds getting to food. dailymail.co.uk


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